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New and Recent Series

Studies in Constitutional Democracy

Jeffrey L. Pasley and Jay K. Dow, Series Editors

In partnership with the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, this series explores the history and development of American constitutional ideas and democratic practices both in the United States and as they have reverberated throughout the world. The volumes in this series showcase interdisciplinary scholarship that helps readers gain insight into both new and traditional themes in American politics, law, society, and culture, with an eye to both practical and theoretical applications.

Journalism in Perspective: Continuities and Disruptions

Tim P. Vos and Yong Z. Volz, Series Editor

Journalism is a central institution in the social, cultural, and political lives of communities, nations, and the world. Citizens and leaders rely on the news, information, and analysis that journalists produce, curate, and distribute each day. Their work must be understood in the context of journalism’s institutional features, including its roles, ethics, operations, and boundaries. These features are themselves the product of a history, emerging through periods of stability and change. The volumes in this series, published in collaboration with the University of Missouri School of Journalism, span the history of journalism, and advance thoughtful and theoretically-driven arguments for how it can best negotiate the currents of change.

The American Military Experience

John C. McManus, Series Editor

The books in this series portray and analyze the experience of Americans in military service during war and peacetime from the onset of the twentieth century to the present. The series emphasizes the profound impact wars have had on nearly every aspect of recent American history and considers the significant effects of modern conflict on combatants and noncombatants alike. Titles in the series include accounts of battles, campaigns, and wars; unit histories; biographical and autobiographical narratives; investigations of technology and warfare; and, in general, the best recent scholarship on Americans in the modern armed forces. The books are written and designed for a diverse audience that encompasses non-specialists as well as expert readers.

Mark Twain and His Circle

Tom Quirk and John Bird, Series Editors

This series incorporates books on Mark Twain and the several circles he inhabited (domestic, political, artistic, and other) to provide a venue for new research in Twain studies and, from time to time, to reprint significant studies that have been too long out of print.

Sports and American Culture

Adam Criblez, Series Editor

This series explores the cultural dynamic between competitive athletics and society, the many ways in which sports shape the lives of Americans, in the United States and Latin America, from a historical and contemporary perspective. While international in scope, the series includes titles of regional interest to Missouri and the Midwest. Topics in the series range from studies of a single game, event, or season to histories of teams and programs, as well as biographical narratives of athletes, coaches, owners, journalists, and broadcasters.

Shades of Blue and Gray

Louis S. Gerteis, Series Editor

The Shades of Blue and Gray Series offers Civil War studies for the modern reader, relaying military history in ways that consider the important relationships between warfare, politics, and society. Series volumes include biographies of civilians, soldiers, and political leaders and thematic studies of battles and campaigns, the roles of individual states or foreign nations, and the influence of contemporary media and technologies. This dynamic series includes books that will appeal to Civil War Roundtable groups, individuals, libraries, and specialists in the field.

Advances in Organizational Psychodynamics

Michael A. Diamond, Series Editor

This series seeks to explain the theories and methods that describe relational nuances of power and personality, symbol and metaphor, psychopathology and politics, and meaning and imagination in the workplace. It acknowledges and addresses questions of irrational, counterproductive, and destructive human behavior in organizations and in organizational leadership and advances our understanding of organizational culture through the application of contemporary theory and psychoanalysis. Interdisciplinary in scope, the series intends to fill a void in the literature and offer new insights through immersion, participant-observation, narrative and storytelling, fieldwork, and ethnography.

More Series:

A History of Missouri
Give ‘em Hell Harry
Missouri Biography Series
Missouri Heritage Readers
New Currents in the History of Southern Economy and Society
Russian-American Dialogues
Southern Women
The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin
The Collected Works of Langston Hughes
The Complete Sermons of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy
The Paul Anthony Brick Lectures
The Topical Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson